Friday, May 31, 2019

Opposing Viewpoints in Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five Essay

Opposing Viewpoints in Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse- quint The Allied firebombing of Dresden has been called the worst and most unnecessary transfer raid in military history. The German city was home to no military bases or stations, but on February 13, 1945, death rained down from the air on nearly 135,000 people, most of them civilians, compared to the 74,000 deaths caused by the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima (Novels 270). Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was a Allied prisvirtuosor of war during this raid, hidden underground in an accustomed slaughterhouse. After surviving the war, Vonnegut came home to the United States to become an author. Though he had published several books before Slaughterhouse Five, this book became his most famous and popular book. Slaughterhouse Five was Vonneguts breakthrough work because he finally addressed the most distressing and pivotal point in his life, the Dresden firebombing (Novels 270).Vonnegut writes in the first chapter that he was once given ad vice against writing an anti-war novel, because ...there would always be wars, and that they were as easy to stop as glaciers (Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse 3). However, rather than writing an anti-war novel, Vonnegut writes a response to the cataclysm of war through the eyes of a soldier (Novels 272). Vonnegut narrates the story of Billy Pilgrim, a soldier who went through the same experiences as Vonnegut did. Narrating the story of someone else allows Vonnegut infinite and separation from the painful events at Dresden (Harris). Through Billys story, Vonnegut introduces opposing ideas throughout his novel, creating tension between conflicting forces and philosophies. The opposing ideas in Slaughterhouse Five are differing views of time, and inco... ...s, it is the one that states war is stupid, pointless, and cruel, yet it is inevitable. Works Cited Harris, Charles B., Time, Uncertainty, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr. A Reading of Slaughterhouse Five, Farmington Hills Gale Group. Oct ober, 2001. http// Reed, Peter J., Authenticity and Relevance Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse Five, Farmington Hills Gale Group. October, 2001. http// Schatt, Stanley, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Farmington Hills Gale Group. October, 2001. http// Slaughterhouse Five Novels For Students. Vol. 3 1998 ed. Vonnegut Jr., Kurt. Fates Worse Than Death. New York G. P. Putnams Sons, 1991 ---, Palm Sunday. New York Delacorte Press, 1981 ---, Slaughterhouse Five. New York Dell Publishing, 1969

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Vladimir Nabokovs Lolita - The Shocking Lolita Essay examples -- Nabo

The Shocking Lolita Vladimir Nabokov wrote Lolita not unless to create controversy and shock the public, but also for money and fame. Nabokov wrote Lolita to get attention. This novel engages moral dilemmas that are naked as a jaybird to its readers. The sensitive subject matter created such a controversy that it perpetuated sales and made it a bestseller, and he knew that if he wrote a book shocking and person-to-person enough he would become wealthy. The novel speaks as though it were a lived event which adds to the intensity of Humberts actions and to the shock of the reader. The delivery and depth of his thoughts make one depend this is a true story, and the effect can be that the reader finds the action even more appalling. Simon Karlinsky once declared that the publication of Lolita in America and England signaled the final collapse of the Victorian moralistic censorship that had persisted in Western countries till the end of the 1950s(Iannone 54). Alternati vely, Nabokov states, Lolita has no moral in tow. For me a work of fiction exists only insofar as it affords me what I shall bluntly call aesthetic bliss, that is a sense of being somehow, somewhere, connected with other states of being where art (curiosity, tenderness, kindness, ecstacy) is the norm(314). This rumor is taken from the epilogue that he wrote after the novel to state his intentions. The work has no other meaning than to shock the reader. None. Why would Nabokov bother taking the period to write a three hundred page novel just for the sake of aesthetic bliss(314)? Although he dismisses it entirely, moral issues arise quickly in this novel. The first moral is that by the age of twelve, one American girl has already been hop... .... With the new release Nabokov will get more of what he cute. On the INTERNET if one searches for the key word Lolita, the reader will find several thousand locations in which the word Lolita is synonymous with pornography. Whe ther or not this is how Nabokov wanted to be remembered, Lolita has its place on the INTERNET. Though we may never know what drove Nabokov to write Lolita, it is still a great novel though immoral. workings Cited Boyd, Brian. The Year of Lolita. The New York Times Book Review 8 Sept. 1991 1-33. Iannone, Carol. From Lolita to Piss Christ. Commentary Vol. 89, n. 1, Jan. 1990 52-54. Lolita and the Critics. New Republic Vol. 139, 27 Oct. 1958 3. Nabokov, Vladimir. The Annotated Lolita. New York Vintage Books, 1991. Schuman, Samuel. Vladimir Nabokov, a credit rating Guide. Boston G. K. Hall, 1979.

Resistence to Genetically Modified Foods Essay -- GMOs, Genetically Mod

IntroductionThis report seeks to examine the causes for resisting genetically modified (GM) nutrition in the world. There have been resistance to genetically modified food have been going on since is commercial production began in early 1990s (Glass-OShea, 2011). The European Union has been delaying decision to allow farmers to come before GM food crops in their farms or importation of GM foods without labeling as compared to the North American counterparts. This report investigates the major causes of sustained resistance to GM food, the effect of this issue and possible recommendations to soften this position.Causes of resistance to genetically modified foodThere have been fears that genetically modified food could have far stretch health effects in after a prolonged time of consumption. Several studies indicated that opposite organisms are affected by the genetically modified food (Macek, Kotrba, Svatos, Novakova, Demnerova, & Mackova, 2008). Many leaders especially in develo ping countries are concern that genetically modified food is a ploy to enrich some certain(p) corporations in developed countries. These are main reasons for resisting genetically modified foodRisky for human consumptionsThere is a growing concern that the companies that are snarled in production of genetically modified food do not conduct extensive research on adverse effect to humans. This contributes heavy why the European Union (EU) is particularly very slow in deciding to allow farming of genetically modified food crops. Since foods may contain other materials that do not have any nutritional values, there should an independent study on effects to humans after consumption (Kuiper, Kleter, Noteburn, & Kok, 2001). It is not unaccented who sponsors the r... ...3.Glass-OShea, B. (2011). The History and Future of Genetically Modified Crops Frankenfoods, Superweeds, and the Developing World. Journal of Food Law and Policy, 7.Kuiper, H. A., Kleter, G. A., Noteburn, H. P. J. M., and Kok, E. J. (2001). Assessment of the food safety issues related to genetically modified foods. whole kit Journal. 27, 503528Legge Jr, J. S., & Durant, R. F. (2010). Public opinion, risk assessment, and biotechnology lessons from attitudes toward genetically modified foods in the European Union. Review of Policy Research, 27(1), 59-76.Qaim, M. (2009). The economics of genetically modified crops. Annual Review of alternative Economics, 1. 665693Macek, T., Kotrba, P., Svatos, A., Novakova, M., Demnerova, K., & Mackova, M. (2008). Novel roles for genetically modified plants in environmental protection. Trends in biotechnology, 26(3), 146-152.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Ernest Hemingway: Allegorical Figures In The Sun Also Rises Essay

Ernest Hemingway Allegorical Figures in The Sun Also RisesThesis Hemingway measuredly shaped the protagonists in The Sun Also Risesas allegorical figures.OUTLINE I. The Sun Also RisesA. Hemingways novel.B. Hemingways protagonists are deliberately shaped as allegoricalfigures.C. fig workforcet symbolizing the impotence after W.W.I. II. Jake Barnes.A. Wound.1. Damaged genitalia.2. Cant make love.3. Feels desire.B. Wound is symbol of life in years after W.W.I.C. Wound from accident.1. Accidents always happen.2. Cant prevent accidents.3. It was corresponding certain dinners that I remember from thewar. There was much wine and ignored tension, and afeeling of things coming that you could not prevent.D. Condition represents a peculiar stool of impotence.E. Restrained romantic.F. Private grief with Cohns public suffering.G. Strongly attracted to Pedro Romero.H. Later, when Barnes says that he hates homos and wants tohit them. III. Lady Brett Ashley.A. First appears with a group of homo sexuals.B. Wears mans hat on short hair.C. Refers to men as fellow chaps.D. All complete distortion of sexual roles.E. The war has turned Brett into the equality of a man.F. This is like Jakes demasculation.G. All releases her from her womanly nature.H. move off of the romantic pedestal to stand beside herequals. IV. Robert Cohn.A. Women dominate him.B. Old fashioned romantic.C. Lives by what he reads.D. To feel like a man.1. Boxes.a. Helps him to compensate for bad interference fromclassmates.b. Turns him into an armed romantic.2. Likes authority of editing and honor of writing, but isa bad editor and a poor novelist.E. Looks for internal strength in outward signs and sources.F. voluntary to suffer publicly and to absorb insults for sake oftrue love.G. He is ready to fight for his lady and knocks down hisopponent like a knight.1. When he goes against Pedro for Brett.a. Brett tells him off.b. Pedro wont fall.c. Brett waistband with Pedro.d. Cohn is left alone.2. Romantic hero me t his match.3. Shows difference between physical and moral victory.a. Pedro fights for dignity and his spirit isuntouched by Cohn.b. Cohns spirit is crushed.H. Cohn based his manhood on skill at boxing or on a womanslove, not on internal strength. V. Pedro Romero.A. Manhood stands without women.B. Reason Barnes is attracted to him.C. Cohn and Pedro are... ...eration are weighed. From this point, Pedro canbe seen as the real hero, man whose code gives meaning to aworld where love and religion are defuncts, where the proofsof manhood are difficult and scarce, and where every man essential learn to define his own moral condition and then liveup to them (Bloom, 1985, p. 118).Hemingway purposely shaped the main characters in The Sun Also Rises asallegorical figures. Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley were two lovers desexed bythe war. Robert Cohn was the false knight who challenged their despair. PedroRomero personified the good life which will survive their failure.ReferencesBarons Education al Series, Inc. (1984). The Sun Also Rises- TheStory. WWW. URL http//, H. (ED.). (1985). modern Critical Views ErnestHemingway. New York Chelsea House PublishersHemingway, E. (1926). The Sun Also Rises. New York CharlesScribners Sons

The Misidentification of The Day We Were Dogs Essay -- Day We Were Dog

The Misidentification of The Day We Were Dogs The Day We Were Dogs, published in 1993 by Elena Garro, illustrates the common error of misidentification of Magical reality. The fact that Garro is a Mexican author and that fantasy is so closely related to Magical pragmatism often causes the lector to associate this particular work with Magical Realism. However, this work also contains fantastic elements as wellhead as sublime characteristics, which make it difficult to classify as a strictly Magical Realist work. As The Day We Were Dogs can be interpreted in so many different ways, the explanation of the details of the story become much more difficult. Are the two girls, Eva and Leli, pretending to be dogs or did they actually become dogs for a day? Each reader may have a different view of this important question, and this view may alter how he or she classifies this work. The short story does contain several magical elements and even fulfills several of the characteristics of M agical Realism as described by Faris. Should one charter the girls are actually in the canine form, one should notice that the girls are understood by the people around, even though Toni is not. The servants understand when the girls tell them to take a shit lunch for three dogs. The men at the murder scene, as well, understand the dogs when they question what the dogs saw. This interspecies communication holds a magical aspect due to its nonoccurance in reality (Faris 167). The communication that exists between the dogs and Toni, another dog, one could understand. Toni communicates by some speech, but mostly by his actions. He bares his teeth during lunch so he might take the meat and, therefore, prove himself to be the head of the pecking ord... ...the story goes against its classification of Magical Realism in that hesitation occurs by both the reader and the characters. Where does one classify such a work? That answer truly depends upon ones own interpretation and opinion. Wo rks Cited Faris, Wendy B. Scheherazades Children Magical Realism and Postmodern Fiction. Magical Realism Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C. Duke UP, 1995 163-190. Garro, Elena. The Day We Were Dogs. Latin American Writers Thirty Short Stories. Ed. Gabriella Ibieta. New York, N.Y. St. Martins Press, 1993 206-212. Simpkins, Scott. Sources of Magical Realism/ Supplements to Realism in Contemporary Latin American Literature.Magical Realism Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C. Duke UP, 1995 145-159.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Adverse Impacts of Landscape Fragmentation on Biodiversity :: Environmental Ecosystems Essays

Adverse Impacts of Landscape Fragmentation on BiodiversityLandscape atomisation can impose devastating and irreversible consequences on the biodiversity of ecosystems. Because of the conflicting interests between ecology and human economic benefit, it has become increasingly important to find solutions for a harmonic balance. It is imperative for people to recognize the impacts of biodiversity loss and increased experimental extinction of many species. These impacts must be understood in order to protect landscapes and the long biodiversity they contain. Raising environmental consciousness through education and public cooperative efforts, as well as promoting resource conservation and changing consumptive patterns, atomic number 18 just a few ways that we can begin to protect biodiversity.What is landscape fragmentation?Landscape fragmentation can be characterized as a break up of a continuous landscape into more smaller, less-connected patches by roads, clearing for agricult ure, commercial and residential development, and timber harvesting. Clear-cutting can break up good, prompt forest until the clear-cut area has regenerated to a point that it does not act as an ecological barrier to interior species or species that rely on continuous, mature forests. Much of the work that has sought to measure landscape pattern and habitat fragmentation comes out of the disciplines of conservation biology and landscape ecology (Theobald 1998). These disciplines are founded on the premise that landscape patterns strongly influence and are influenced by ecological processes (Forman and Godron 1986).How does landscape fragmentation affect species diversity?Landscape fragmentation contributes to loss of migrant corridors, loss of connectivity and natural communities, which all lead to a loss of biodiversity for a region. Conservation of biodiversity must include all levels of diversity genetic, species, community, and landscape (CNHP 1995). Each labyrinthian level is dependent upon and linked to the other levels. In addition, humans are linked to all levels of this hierarchy. A healthy natural and human environment go hand in hand (CNHP 1995). An important step in conservation planning, in order to guarantee both a healthy natural environment as well as a healthy human environment, is recognizing the most endangered elements. Biodiversity is influenced by landscape fragmentation at various scales of space and time. The extinction of ecosystem types and component species may cause an increased patchiness of the landscape, resulting in lower population sizes and decreased connectivity. As a result, inhabitants may experience decreased dispersal abilities and move gene flows between populations.

Adverse Impacts of Landscape Fragmentation on Biodiversity :: Environmental Ecosystems Essays

Adverse Impacts of Landscape Fragmentation on BiodiversityLandscape atomization can impose devastating and irreversible consequences on the biodiversity of ecosystems. Because of the conflicting interests between ecology and human economic benefit, it has become increasingly important to find solutions for a harmonic balance. It is imperative for people to recognize the impacts of biodiversity loss and increased liquidation of many species. These impacts must be understood in order to protect landscapes and the huge biodiversity they contain. Raising environmental consciousness through education and public cooperative efforts, as well as promoting resource conservation and changing consumptive patterns, ar just a few ways that we can begin to protect biodiversity.What is landscape fragmentation?Landscape fragmentation can be characterized as a break up of a continuous landscape into more smaller, less-connected patches by roads, clearing for agriculture, commercial and residen tial development, and timber harvesting. Clear-cutting can break up spring up, prompt forest until the clear-cut area has regenerated to a point that it does not act as an ecological barrier to interior species or species that rely on continuous, mature forests. Much of the work that has sought to measure landscape pattern and habitat fragmentation comes out of the disciplines of conservation biology and landscape ecology (Theobald 1998). These disciplines are founded on the premise that landscape patterns strongly influence and are influenced by ecological processes (Forman and Godron 1986).How does landscape fragmentation affect species diversity?Landscape fragmentation contributes to loss of migrant corridors, loss of connectivity and natural communities, which all lead to a loss of biodiversity for a region. Conservation of biodiversity must include all levels of diversity genetic, species, community, and landscape (CNHP 1995). Each interlacing level is dependent upon and l inked to the other levels. In addition, humans are linked to all levels of this hierarchy. A healthy natural and human environment go hand in hand (CNHP 1995). An important step in conservation planning, in order to guarantee both a healthy natural environment as well as a healthy human environment, is recognizing the most endangered elements. Biodiversity is influenced by landscape fragmentation at various scales of space and time. The extinction of ecosystem types and component species may cause an increased patchiness of the landscape, resulting in lower population sizes and decreased connectivity. As a result, inhabitants may experience decreased dispersal abilities and let down gene flows between populations.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Porters Diamond Essay

Critic all in ally discuss to what extent doorkeepers Diamond is a useful concept in explaining residence and armament location strategies of inter democracyal trading? Illustrate your answer with references to at least two case companiesThe master(prenominal) aim of International commerce is to build and sustain competitiveness for economic value creation in both domestic and oversea markets (Besanko et al. 2007). Internalisation business theory however has a variety of models that can identify the environmental synopsis of specific countries. These models are used for companies to internationalise and find the right location(s) overseas by taking institutional, cultural fit and success opportunities into consideration. These models as well as give in-depth information on locations that the companies have chosen. A very well-known framework is the Porters Diamond which was found by Michael Porter in 1990. This report will discuss the advantages and disadvantages to determine a communitys home and host location decision by analysing two high street retailers cut E.Leclerc and UKs Sainsburys. Porters Diamond Model (1990 73 ) states that nations competiveness depends on the capacity of its industry to innovate and upgrade this however depends on the productivity level of the nation. From a companys point of view a national competitive advantage miserlys that it would have to depend on the nation to implement a home base to improve their existing products and service such as technology, features, quality as well as being able to compete with international industries. Therefore, the advantage of this model is that it identifies the four factors that develop the essential national environment where companies are born, produce and as mentioned above sustain competitive advantage (Porter,199078). The idea of this model is useful because it allows organisations to carry out the unavoidable research and identify which countries would be total enough to in ternationalise. As you can see from the Porters Diamond diagram the for the first time factor is the factor condition, this factor is to the highest degree production such as land, raw materials, capital infrastructure etc. these are not inherited, yet developed and improved by a nation for instance skilled labour (Porter, 199079). In order to sustain competitive advantage it will depend on the factor creation ability. For instance, E.Leclerc started as a small rented warehouse Leclerc established a chain of outlets across the country, single-handedly changingthe landscape of shopping in France( Abstracted from Keith PointsThe second factor is beg condition this is the existence of sophisticated and demanding customers that pressure companies to develop new products that meets the increasing buyers needs (Porter, 199082). Thus, companies set a strong trend and snuff it buyers expectations by innovating. This actually was the case of Leclerc when pioneering in 1956 the hypermarket concept allowing customers to buy from groceries and petrol to clothing and jewellery as well as holidays, all at competitive prices ( However, mature demand and saturated markets should be an encouragement to innovate. According to Retail Detail, last year French consumers purchasing power declined for the first time in three deca stilbesterol ( Leclerc took this into consideration and introduced a comparison website, app and in-store devices to prove its lowest price claims We are the least expensive. The following factor is related to and supporting industries, which represents the presence of e.g. capable supplies, also competitive on a global scale (Porter,199082). This means that companies are as strong as its business environment. Without strong suppliers it can become very hard for a firm to compete at a competitive level. However its not clean strong supplies but also the communication, coordination an d the combined development that makes them competitive. Nevertheless those industries rely on each other during the whole of the supply chain for their profits. For example Sainsburys has put Pepsi back on the shelves due to tough negotiation between suppliers and retailers fit in to Financial Times 2011, this was because of the higher prices demand of the supplier. This shows that communication whitethorn mean tough negotiation between retailers and suppliers in order to stay competitive.The last factor is firm strategies, structure and rivalry. This factor determines the organisational structure, style of managers and the domestic competition (Porter, 199082). On an internalisation point of view this factor depends if the characteristics of the company matches the industry they have entered. E.Leclerc operates as an ambidextrous makeup. Their strategy is to make employees feel and act like owners of the organization yet own no stock the whole organization behaves like one bigfam ily yet is a money-making machine ( Sainsburys owned a chain in US and Egypt but like other UK retailers they failed to expand due to the arrogance and poor preparation, failing to understand the surprising differences between US and British shoppers (The Guardian 2012). On the other hand, rivalry should be seen as positive as it creates competitive advantage, it pushes organisations to visualise trends and satisfy non-existing needs while also seeking new international opportunities. A great example would be Apple its iPhone, iPad etc. Looking at this model it highlights how home locations influences companies to grow and develop competitive advantage as mentioned their own nation gets them train for internalisation. Hence why the Porters Diamond helps you recognise the home-based advantages before applying them overseas. In addition companies may sometimes have to step back and reconsider their core competences at home as it is an example of Sainsbury e xiting the countries in US and Egypt and focused on break programme for its small-store convenience division in the UK (The Telegraph 2010).France as a home base has proved to E.Leclerc a good place to get them ready to expand to similar markets such as Spain, Portugal etc. This shows that its very beneficial for an organisation to test its new or differential products at home first. For example Leclerc After 50 years of bringing lower prices to the French consumer, has now successfully expanded to Spain, Portugal and Italy Leclerc now hopes to be able to do the uniform for the rest of the world( Moreover the Diamond does not really discuss the power of the governing even though they are mentioned in Porters book. However, the government can play a big part in all of the factors through e.g. regulations, trade barriers etc. For example new law introduced on the French retail scene effectively ended one of Leclercs favourite practices by prohibiting stores from taking losses on some of their items according to Association des Centres Distributeurs. Government should be taken into serious consideration as they play a big role in factor creation e.g. education, healthcare etc., as this could influence the internalisation process of company. Sainsburys now have a team to look into opening a chain in China tell The Telegraph(2010) and E.Leclerc both defiantly have to consider the government for its nations business protection and competitive advantage because in order to join the Chinesemarket they essential first joint venture with a Chinese company as they are not really keen on wholly owned subsidiaries according to Journal of World Business.Nevertheless the Diamond should add glossiness as a driver because that has a massive impact on the way a business operates as well as it defines the nation. For example in the model the demand condition and on customers needs are mainly influenced by culture like McDonalds in India is has onl y vegetarian food options as they believe vegetarian societies are more harmonious and sustainable (Vivek Vaidya). So culture differenced should be considered when going overseas in order to see if the needs at home can be transferred overseas or localisation is needed. A great tool to use is Hofstedes dimension, an illustration of that would be E.Leclerc expanding to countries such as Spain, Portugal and Italy as they are culturally similar locations and they had similar scores on Hofstedes dimension. This proves that culture has a massive impact on host locations. To conclude this, in order to understand whether to choose a home or host location Porters Diamond Model should only be an offset of the environmental analysis like it should look into macro, meso and micro level and use analysis like Porters Five Forces, cultural analysis etc. (Hollensen, 2011 104). Yet it can be very costly and time consuming but these should be essential steps to take because making the right decision of location is crucial for international success. Failure could occur if these steps are not taken seriously and it would be even more expensive as in the case of Sainsbury having to close down its chains in US and Egypt. This is why other models should be combined to gather more information on needs and industry characteristics so they can know whats behind the companys decision on location. However no model can be exact just based on the fact that countries and companies change and a generalisation is hard to tell. Environmental analysis tends to have missing considerations. Nevertheless whats really important is that companies should choose the right models that fit their needs and capabilities for good results. Porters Diamond however has not got enough factors to make a company decide where it should internationalise. In saying that its a very good beginning point to provide basic selection criteria in recognising home and host locations as well as achieving competitive advan tage.Referenceshttp// http// http// http// http// news show/obituaries/edouard-leclerc-businessman-who-built-a-shopping-empire-8160892.html http// http// http// http// Journal of World BusinessnVolume 47, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 416 Focus on China Special prick http// /porters-diamond.html

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Language & Human Communication

Of all human skills, dustup is one of the most valuable because it allows us to communicate with one another. Human intercourse is important to society, enable business and interpersonal relationships, as well as teaching and learning. Language is also important because it allows people to create new words for a ever-changing society, like Internet, according to Palomar College. About Language 1. Languages are, essentially, systems of symbols that have meaning.Language is a means of human communication, whether it be expressed verbally, it writing or through crisscross language. All languages have a system of rules and meanings and muckle express an infinite number of ideas or meanings within that system. Human Language Development 2. Language is a part of human development, line of descent its development in early childhood. Human language begins with what is called babbling, when infants make repetitive sounds like mah mah and dah dah that mark the beginning of speech developm ent.Language is an important part of intellectual development and the development of communication skills. Communication, in turn, is vital to human language development. According to Palomar College, studies show that parents can help infants develop language skills by communicating with them often using and encouraging appropriate language rules. As the childs language skills continue to develop, he may begin to use language, albeit incorrectly. Gently correcting the childs speech can help her improve.If a child says, I seen it, for instance, correct by saying something like, Yes, thats good, you cut it. I saw it, too, thus illustrating the appropriate form of the verb to see. Communication and Language 3. Even though language is standardized, the interpreted meaning of the words that being communicated is influenced by a build of factors about the situation. The way something is phrased, the tone in which it is said and the volume all matter.These hidden parts of communicatio n affect way the listener interprets the speaker, according to Palomar College. another(prenominal) Parts of Language 4. The message delivered through language may also be mediated by nonverbal or non-linguistic factors like body language and gestures. According to Palomar College, linguists and other language experts refer to nonverbal elements of language like tone of voice, smiling, frowning, use of personal space and other unspoken means of communication as paralanguage elements.Paralanguage can be just as important to human communication as language itself. In-Person Communication 5. fleck words are powerful, the power of in-person communication cannot be overlooked. According to Palomar College, it is estimated by researchers that up to 70 percent of the meaning derived from in-person communication comes from paralinguistic expressions. This is because paralanguage communicates the emotional and personal aspects of human communication that can be unseen in written and imper sonal forms of language use.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Function of Storytelling Essay

The novel Atonement by Ian MCewan and the short story The Things They Carried by Tom OBrien both employ storytelling as a form of redemption. This is achieved in separately text through the narrators freedom to manipulate the content and truth of the narrative in high society to amend past wrongs and to imagine a more comforting, alternate reality. In Atonement, the narrator , bryony uses her literal imagination to alter the story of her life in hope to seek redemption for past actions with great consequence, while the narrator in Tim OBriens The Things They Carried tells and retells his version of the memory to help it become real. some(prenominal) narratives show storytelling to be a possible healing process.P1-First step to redemption is to admit the reason for your deception. A novels allows narrator to confess the motive behind his/her sin.Briony initial stage towards redemption is by confessing the dangers of interpretation. quote- To herreading a sentence and understanding it were the same thing as with the crooking of a finger, nothing between them. thither was no gap during which symbols were unravelled(37) -quote shows Brionys belief in the ease of interpretation which leads her to jump to conclusions she can never change. The appoint for the tragedy is not save due to Brionys misinterpretation of events , but the misguided nature of interperation provided by books.The Things They Carried -The narrator describes the difficult conditions of war by describing the emotional and physical luggage they carry. Lieutenant jimmy Cross carried the love letters from Martha. These horrible conditions forced Lieutenant cross to day dream about Martha which lead to Ted Lavenders death. -quotetold they carry pocket knives, heat tabs, wristwatchesand two or three canteens of water which weigh between 15 and 20 pounds(241). -quote allows the reader to feel the overwhelming weight unit of being a soldier, which words cant simply explain. The narrator demonstrat es the reasoning for Lieutenant crosss daydreaming as a authority to escape from chaos of Vietnam war.P2-Using storytelling another step towards redemption is taken by characters revealing remorse by punishing themselves for their wrong doing (reveal repentance/remorse) -briony becomes a nurse and turns a commission Cambridge. She writes about the hard work she does as a nurse. quote Whatever skivvying or humble nursing she did and however puff up or hard she did it, whatever illumination in tutorial she had relinquished ,or lifetime moment on a college lawn, she would never undo the damage. She was unforgivable-Lieutenant Jimmy burns Marthas letter and pictures, thus destroying his distracting fantasy in order to become a true soldier -quote Lavender was dead. You couldnt burn the blame-Something is missing in explanation. How can I tie in that acts of remorse both did not make amends.P3-Novel is attempt by narrators to erase the wrong he/she did. The outcome of redemption diffe rs for each narrator. -Briony alters the ending of the ending of the story in hope to seek redemption but does not achieve it because quote The line of work of these fifty-nine years has been thishow can a novelist achieve atonement when, with her absolute power of deciding outcomes, she is also God? There is no one , no entity of higher form that she can appeal to, or be reconciled with, or that can forgive her -No matter how many times she rewrites the story she forget never receive Robbie and Ceciles forgiveness. She cant achieve self forgiveness because no alternate ending that she imagines will replace the true ending. -The exclusively way Briony will end her guilt is when her memory fails and she dies. (disease)-Narrator for The Things They Carried achieves redemption for Ted Lavenders death because storytelling allows the memories of Ted Lavender to stay alive. -Storytelling enables the narrators memories to be shaped and rearranged in order to make sense of past events an d make them real -The narrator achieves redemption for Ted Lavenders death by storytelling because each time the story is told or retold the soldiers in the Alpha Company are being given a new life each time by the reader. -quoteAt first, we learn he was shot and killed outside Than Khe (OBrien 241) and gradually learn Ted Lavender was shot in the head on his way back from peeing (OBrien 246).

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Friends and Family

Friends ar biggest value in peoples lives. I beat m some(prenominal) champions. some of them are my neighbors, but also I have schoolmates. I can go out somewhere with them and feel comfortable. I know that friends of mine testament help me anytime and anywhere. I can trust them. I have one best friend. I may pin his faith. Friendship between a friend of mine and me is firm and intense. He always helps me solve problems and treats me with respect. A friend of mine has never lied to me. It is better to say home truth that fragrance lie. If I am upset, my best friend will jolly up me.He is caring, cheerful, trustworthy, outgoing and good-tempered. He is younger than I am. I think that bestride is non important for a companionship if you can screw to an understanding and respect each other. I have friends among people of a different generation. I like younger mates because I can be child . Older people are serious and calm. They care about their studies or jobs. They have les s free time. However, I like them because they can teach me something and share their experience. Older friends may help me to do my homework and explain me what I cannot understand.Friends are one of life treasures so that we have to treasure our friendships. It is not easy to make friends nowadays. The true friend should be honest and trustworthy. Without these characteristics, you cannot have a friendship with anyone. Person must be sociable, tolerant, conscientious, and good-tempered if he wants make friends. Furthermore, he must understand other somebodys feelings and moods and always help him. If person wants not to lose old friends, he should care about them. He should call them and ask how they are.We should safe our relationships. If we break friendship, it will be hard to find out it. I suppose that friendship is a state when you feel important and you know that you can do something helpful or use upful to your friend. Sometimes you regain somebody for the first time an d that is strange when you feel you are friends for ages. My ideal friend has to be himself. I dont think, I should name any of his/her (later on he) character features. Its even doesnt matter when he has something, what doesnt exist in rules of ideal man e. g. unpolitness.Its better when the brotherly mask is not worn and you can talk to your friend and be absolutely ensured that he is not lying and he will help not e actually time, but only those times, when he could. I believe thats very important. I dont agree also to the idea that friends, having in common only external personalities are bad ones. I dont think that its good to have a friend for a life. After some years you feel kind of exhausted and the light of the friendship begins to go out. People with external similarities can also be very good friends and the ones only with internal sometimes even cant talk e. . when he thinks right the same way, i think, its not raise for me to talk with him, because i know how he th inks and i want to know more different people and to hear different oppinions. So, I must bring d cause you, but I needless to say, having some internal common points. You dont have to have a friend (like the poem, we read, says) but having one makes your life, your steps through the life much more easier and funnier. Nowadays often debated theme is the choice between a family and friends. For me a family is more important than friends.There are some thoughts about this lemma. Firstly, I think that a family is more important than friends, because when you are born you fall into a family not into your friends circle. First people with whom you bunk acquainted after your birth are your faSecondly, when we are teenagers for us it looks like that our family members are our enemies. We try to run from our family to our friends, but if it happens a really big problem, we come back to our family, because family is our most immediate and precious people.In our hearts we know that if nobo dy helps us, we can always rely on our family. But if we look at the another side of the coin, we can see that sometimes there are such problems in a family that parents cant take care of their own children. In such situation we can trust just for our friends help, because family cant help us. Finally, I think that not just family members have to help us. Sometimes we must help our family. Maybe then we will be able to say that our choice is family. In conclusion, I can say that we should never forget our nearest realatives.We should never forget and abandon our family. mily members. With no-one else, but just with your family help, you get known the world. Friends and family are important in our lifes, but the question is which, friends or family, are more important for us? I believe that family is more significant then friends. In the first place, we can always trust our familys members. When we have a trouble and we need some help, who will help us first? Of course, our familys members. In addition, family supports you materrialy.Everything what you are wering, all notebooks, pens and other things you need at school and not just here are bought by your parents ( If you are still child ). Who else if not they buy you all these thinkgs abd help you tu lead? On the other hand, some people think, that friends are more important for their lifes. However, most of them forgot that friends are with you just while everything is good. Unfrotunately, when something bad occurs to you and you need their help, most of them move around their backs. Finally, I believe that family is the biggest support in our lifes, thats why they are more imposrtant.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Dan Brown’s Deception Point Review

Unless you live in a cave (Im not judging) then youve probably heard of Dan Brown. If you havent heard of Dan Brown then youve probably heard of The Da Vinci enroll. If youve heard of neither then I suggest you watch less TV and stop collecting porn from the internet. (Im still not judging). I wont intercommunicate on about how fantastic the Da Vince Code is (it really is) or how mind-blowing the concepts where (they really were) or offer my thoughts on the validity of Dan Browns research for the book (not enough time in the day). Nope. This is about one of his earlier novels Deception Point.If youve not read it, then stop reading this puerile obfuscation of the written language (thats this blog by the way) and go read it now. If you need a little tease (still not judging) then reads on. (Please affect your best Deep Movie thrust Voice). There are no direct spoilers here, but if you prefer not to know anything about this book, turn away now. Not looking at your computer screen now ? Thats a bit silly. President Zach Herney is in trouble. Hes taking a beating in the canvas for the forthcoming presidential election. A stoic supporter of NASA, hes backed and funded from tax payers money a string of expensive NASA blunders.His rival, the ruthless Senator Sedgewick Sexton, is riding a wave of unrest from the American people hes stirred by condemning the billions of tax payers money thats been wasted on failed NASA projects and hes all but guaranteed the presidency. As the situation gets even more desperate for the President, a new NASA satellite detects evidence of an astonishing quarry buried deep in the Arctic ice a meteorite containing the fossilized remains of extra terrestrial carriage. The floundering space agency appears to have struck bills and will silence all their critics with their find.The President dispatches Senator Sextons daughter, NRO intelligence analyst Rachel to the Arctic to verify the find. Shes accompanied by a police squad of NASA an d civilian experts, including the charismatic Amazing Seas presenter Michael Tolland. Their every move is watched by the mysterious Delta Force taking orders from the controller. However, things start to unravel quickly when Rachel uncovers that the butt isnt all that it appears to be. A shocking discovery that will plunge the country into controversy. Before Rachel can make her findings known she realizes that her discovery puts her life, and the lives of others in danger.Fleeing for her life with Michael Tolland and Corky Marlinson a NASA scientist in the dangerous Arctic conditions they have only one hope for survival to find out whos behind the deception. dorsum in Washington, the election grows closer and the stakes get higher. William Pickering, the NRO director is frustrated with NASAs regular security leaks which put their technological advances into the hands of the highest bidder. The NASA administrator, an ex-Pentagon man is scrap to keep NASA from being restructured as comparisont of the governments intelligence community joining the FBI and the CIA.The President, taking advice from his sly senior advisor Marjorie Tench, prepares to tell the world of NASAs discovery. Sounds good, doesnt it? It is. Dan Brown has really done is research and although youre entertained, you also learn a fair bit about the Arctic, meteorites and fossils. His technical detail is on par with Tom Clancy although its not as dry as some of Clancys work. His real flair is in involving the reader. This is a book that you wont want to put down. Now, go read it.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Gallery Review †Nancy Lang Essay

Today, the 9th of March, I have heard of the Pyo G each(prenominal)ery, and as soon as I heard that it was in Wangjing, I changed my plan from going to the Dashanzi District to trying the new place. It was hidden in several other galleries. I was well-off to get there before the line of battle time was over. The owner was a Korean, who kindly explained both(prenominal) paintings for me. I was glad to find out that they currently had an exhibition of Nancy Langs art. I have always wanted to find out more about Nancy Lang ever since I have seen her in person at the art f atomic number 18 I have been to, in Korea last summer. There was her trademark series of forbidden Yogini paintings of which I have seen one piece of it before. Among all of the paintings that considered similar in overall size and image, I preferred this particular painting the some.Nancy Lang is an American born-Korean Pop artist who is very young and advanced. This piece of her is named the prohibited Yogini , Swinger and has an enormous size of 210 x 175 cm. She used mixed media on canvas to create this huge piece. This painting was finished in the family 2006, when she was 27. On this humungous canvas, there is a big character in the middle which has the body of a robot and a head of a girl with some abstract and obscure figures as legs. The subject has a basket full of tennis balls in its right pass by. The light-blue background is solid with no value.The most interesting aspect about this art piece is the mysterious figure placed in the center holding the viewers attention. This piece looks more comparable a collage than a painting with images attached on the screen. The positive space is the one and only subject on the canvas. The body, which progresss to be a robot, contains the deuce-ace primary colors with a considerable amount of white. These colors together form a fancy image of a childs robot toy, attracting the viewers eyes to the center of the figure, which is where t he head is placed.An image of the head of a human girl is used, juxtaposing the robot body. In the figures right hand there is a basket of lime green tennis balls. In the lower part of the art piece, as the legs of the main subject there are two obscure figures that could be hardly described. On the left side there is a fan shaped quadrilateral printed on a smart material, and on the right side there is a figure that seems alike(p) a mixture of blood vessels and bones. The objects do not seem to have each connection between them, but as a whole they get together very well forming one huge body. The negative space is pied in one tone of light-blue, which helps the subject to stand out. Unlike its visual texture the actual texture of the piece is very smooth just like a painting.Nancy Lang is famous for her mysterious art pieces and unconventional performances. She is a multi-talented young woman who wants to be famous and rich, according to her own words. She actually has played a violin in the middle of a street wearing Victoria Secret lingerie and red high heels with kabuki style makeup. In her series of Taboo Yogini, she mixes up diverse icons to create a sort of cyborg that she declares to be the ironical face of the democracies we live in. According to her, this character Yogini, which originally means a yoga trainee, points to an existence between an angel and devil. So the name of her series Taboo Yogini is in a way representing both good and bad. I think the half-robots that appear on her pieces also represent Nancy Lang herself and the various different sides of her.Nancy Langs paintings are very obscure and difficult to understand. When I first looked at this piece, I was solely blown away by the innovative design of the image. However, I could never see the ironical face of the democracies before I read the explanation. These mystical figures, which look almost like monsters, keep appearing on her canvases expanding the viewers imagination and i nterpretation of them. Still, I think they are insufficient to clearly surrender the authors true intention of creating such images. Nevertheless, it is impossible for one to see through the genuine mind of an author. I really like Nancy Lang and her innovative spirit. She is afraid of nothing, even the awkward stare of others.

Promote person centred approaches in health and social care Essay

1.1. Person centred planning ( primary c atomic number 18 decl ar oneselfr) should encompass perpetuallyy aspect of a service users carry. Effective PCP is inclinationed to ensure that the soulfulnesss call for are al delegacys central when creating an effective fill-in plan. Aspects such as an mortals goals, history, communication requirements, likes, dislikes and psycheal preferences should all be dutifully incorporated to create a fair, effective and unique care plan.11 sign with an individual is paramount when gaining an understanding of how their necessitate are to be met. Providing a chance for them to be involved with the planning process offer provide an probability for service user empowerment as well as making sure that their brave is fully tailored to their impoverishments.1.2. Using effective care plans that apply person centres values provides the service user the chance to create a plan that it directly linked to their values and needs. Nobody likes to f eel as though a generic method of care is applied when considering his or her patronize needs. Everyone is unique with requirements that plug in exclusively to themselves.Read to a greater extent Define person-centred values essayCreating a care plan that ensures that person centred values are met will run all the difference when considering an individuals ability to understand, agree with and engage with their support plans. A care plan should ever so relate directly to the individual involved. This bath relate to the way in which any(prenominal) given goal dismiss be efficaciously achieved or it could relate to how the individual interprets their care plan. For example if a service user found it difficult to read information could be conveyed by means of the use of pictures. It is incredibly important to ensure person centred values are applied in spite of appearance care plans to ensure that an individual agrees with the goals proposed as well as the surmount way in whi ch to shoot them.2.3It is important to persevere flexible when considering a service users support needs. An individual will ceaselessly be changing and growing so it isimportant that this is reflected within their care plan.For example when I countenance antecedently supported NP goals relating to his ability to gain confidence whilst walking outside had to be met in a way that made the goal attain commensurate. At first a goal of independent walking had been include within his IPP however any strict detail as to why and how this were to be most in effect achieved had to be assessed whilst communicating with him during our 11 support sessions. It turned out hat this goal was certified so that he could gain the confidence to go to work independently without the need to get a life from his relative.As we would commonly visit the supermarket we created a method whereby the journey to the local supermarket was broken into segments where he would walk independently, slowly managing a further and further distance to each one week. Had I said that he should walk the entire journey by himself without breaking it d give birth into manageable steps this goal would progress to not been completed. Therefore the effective completion of this goal was only attained through the needs of the individual being met on a personal level.3.1Mental capacity can be a complicated and ever adapting benchmark when assessing a persons ability to do what is best for themselves. People mustiness always be allowed to deal mistakes as this will always be an inalienable human counterbalance of any individual. Ensuring that people do not put themselves or anyone else in direct and immediate danger is the tenability behind why the mental capacity act has been created.Factors such as anxiety and tiredness can affect an individuals ability to express consent which is reflective of their true needs. When a care plan is created it is always best to do it at a time and place where a serv ice user feels relaxed and able to express their needs in a manner that is in alignment with their true feelings. For example at time times when I deplete supported ES he has been unable to convey a true account of his feelings due to being anxious at the time. If this is the case it is best for ES to authorise some time doing simplicity exercises so that he can effectively participate in the design of his IPP.3.3If consent cannot be readily established an assessment of the persons capacity would need to be carried out. Firstly it would gull to be considered that the individual understands what they are being asked to do, why they are being asked to do it and to what the concequences of their choices may be.It is worth considering if they are relaxed, tired or preoccupied at this time. It can be beneficial to implement relaxation exercises to try and calm down a service user or even getting in touch with their family to ensure that their needs are fully met.If they are putting themselves or anyone else in immediate danger it can at points be necessary to contact emergency services depending on the harshness of the situation. However this should always remain a the last option available when attempt to diffuse a situation.4.1Active participation pertains to a method of support that ensures an individual can participate as independently as possible when completing everyday activities. It is important that a service user feels actively involved in the care they are receiving rather that just having a support plan prescribed to them which does not actually reflect their needs. It provides a chance for individuals to posit choices that directly affect their life and as a support role player it is your responsibility to ensure that all the relevant information needed to make an informed has been provided in an impartial manner.If an individual wishes to access local health care services or favorable events in that abide byfore you can help oneself the m get in touch with the relevant facilities. Accessing the community, especially for people who live by themselves provides an excellent chance for empowering an individual. It can provide an opportunity to meet new people, gain confidence and later become more independent.5.3Risk assessments are a lively part to an individuals care plan. It ensures that they will not be putting themselves or anyone else in danger. Whilstbeing an important part of any care plan they should remain as non invasive as possible to ensure that a service users retains the right to make their own choices.Certain risk assessments will contain a higher risk factor than some others. It is when risks such as crossing road in a dangerous manner are enacted that the service users choice can become secondary to the fact that they are putting themselves in immediate danger. Risk factors such as ones that relate to dietary factors often have a smaller risk factor making it more possible to fully involve the serv ice user in the termination making process when trying to effectively manage the risk in question.5.4If an individual is unhappy about decisions that concern them then a number of different procedures are put in place to guarantee that they are being handle fairly. Issues concerning decisions made in a social setting should often be resolvable by promote a service user to talk to the individual with whom they have a disagreement in a civil, informed and fair fashion.It is important to provide an individual with enough information to make a trusty and informed choice without swaying their decision in any way. Everyone has different needs, values and requirements and it is very important to not mix your views with that of the service user.If an individual still feels the need to contest a decision concerning them then there are commonly complaints procedures put in place to make sure that their wishes are fully met. If a doctor, a psychotherapist, social worker or any other simila r health professional makes a decision relating to them that they do not agree with then it is best to explain the options available to them whilst ensuring they know the consequences of each decision available. It is to a fault important to be sure that they are fully aware of why this difference of opinion has developed, as it can be beneficial at times to explain that person they are in disagreement with may be trying to act in their best interests. However it is always vital that they are treated in an impartial, fair and considerate manner that fully takes into account their rights,values and beliefs.6.1Identity relates to who we are and many people identify themselves in different ways. The factors included within this can stretch from social standing to ghostly beliefs or even age. The two main forms of identity element are personal and social.sociable identity relates to the way in which we identify with people and social groups. This could include influencing factors suc h as religious beliefs, hobbies and interests or even political orientation that make it easier to identify with certain individuals or groups.Personal identity is what relates to everything that we consider belonging to ourselves. This relates to inwardly identifying traits such as values, goals, passions, likes, dislikes, achievements, mistakes and ability. This largely influences the way we think and the decisions we make which is also largely ties in with self-image. A person will most often be aware that what they say, the decisions they make and the way they interact with other people influences how others view them. In other words it is how we think, or our self-image that influences how effectively we befriend certain people or groups.Self-esteem comes from a positive identity, which is largely influenced, by our self-image or the way we think. If you are dependant on others or feel inadequate in some respect you will have a low self-esteem. If we feel independent and part o f an accepting friendship or group then this will nearly always have a positive effect on an individuals self-esteem.6.2Many factors contribute to the well being of any individual. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs this can be broken into 5 levels of personal development.This starts with physiological needs such as food, piddle and sleep etc. The succeeding(a) stage is about an individuals safety where issues such as security of family, employment, property and morality are what is required to feelfulfilled. The next stage is about get by and belonging where an individual needs friendship, family and sexual intimacy to feel contented enough to move onto the next stage, which is esteem. This stage contains confidence, achievement and respect of others. The last stage is called self-actualization where an individual will refine their morality, creativity, lack of prejudices and bother solving as well as their ability to accept facts and be spontaneous.This is a common stupe fy used within psychological practices to assess whether an individual has all the necessary factors to ensure that they are exclusively content and have no detrimental effects to their well being.6.3When supporting an individual it is important to make sure that you can meet their needs in a way that promotes their sense of identity, self-image and self-esteem.When I have supported MC he has explained about how he has felt unfairly treated at work. This was in general due to his lack of career progression as well a request for a transportation not being met, although having been promised. To help with this we constructed an information leaflet about his condition, which we gave to his employers so that they were fully aware of how to best interact with him. I also started communicating with his employer about getting a transfer to a peg that was closer to where he lived. As a result of this he has now been transferred closer to where he lives as well as feeling more valued as a n employee. This has helped with develop his self-identity and self image through an increased sense of self worth as well as helping to improve his self-esteem.7.1Risk assessments are used to develop a suitable level of care for service users. Risk assessments help discerp the needs of the individual by making sure that their care is truly catered to their unique needs.Risk assessments help decipher whether an individual needs 11 support or 21 support. They can also allow health care professionals to implement safeguarding techniques to guarantee that the service user will not comeinto harm. This can include procedures such as giving individuals location devices if they are prone to query of whilst not being fully aware of their actions amongst many other advantageous practices to ensure the individuals safety.7.2Everyone has the inalienable right to be able to make his or her own mistakes in life. No one has the ability to make the right decisions at all times and at times like this people have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and gain a better understanding of how to avoid similar mishaps in future.Risk assessments must allow for an individual to be able to make decisions of their own accord. One of the roles of a support worker is to be sure that individuals are provided with all the relevant information to make an informed and sensible decision but it is not up to them to have the last-place call on a service users final decision.Risk assessments should always be implemented to prevent a service user from harming themselves or other people but they should not be constraining to the point of refuting an individuals right to make their own decisions in life.7.3Risk assessments should always be subject to constant change. An individual will be constantly growing and evolution and this must at all time be reflected within their risk assessments.The goal of effective support is help empower service users to the point where they feel able to lea d an independent and rewarding life. As this is the goal of any support provider they must be aware that for one to achieve this they need to learn to manage the risks that they are subjected to in an independent manner. Therefore as a person grows and develops towards a heightened state of independence it is important to let them take control of their own lives and that means realising that risks that they may have formerly posed a threat to their well being will be withdrawn as they will know how to autonomously manage these hazards themselves.

Monday, May 20, 2019

How to Manage International Joint Venture Successfully Essay

on that point is serious increase in the number of cheeks seeking to operate in todays exceedingly competitive global markets with sustainable competitive advantage. (Taylor, 2004 Ernst & Halevy, 2004). In order to achieve this international expansion, companies use some(prenominal)(predicate) market entry strategies. Earlier study on IJVs reveals that international joint dissembles are the to the highest degree putting sur memorial tablet means of internationalization (Ernst & Halevy, 2004). This paper sh further present a review solution on how to achieve prospering IJV totallyiance In general, international joint venture (IJV) is an equity sharing arrangement between a local firm and a foreign cooperation (government or private) coming together by putting all necessary resources together, sharing risk and operational controls to operate as matchless in reckonent business entity to whet profit and growth or in order to achieve some strategic goals. (Craig C. Julian. 2000). In most IJVs, both companies merge together for the matter of ease and convenience, the ii companies involve be get the parent of the ecesis that surface from the merger (Geringer & Hebert, 1989).But thither are situations where more than two companies form IJV, this is true in cases where already coordinated companies try to merge with other bigger companies to establish a single arrangement T0o compete in an international business environment, firms are forming joint ventures as a mechanism for the sweetening of global competitiveness. (Cyr, 1995) IJV flock aid an make-up in achieving their business objectives in hostile and uncertain markets (Miller et al., 2007). Clayton-Smith (2012). mention that IJV offer a great opportunity for multinational businesses to facilitate growth, to gain skill, capabilities, market access, etc. (For display case businesses can supply cost and boost growth by using the same human resources, sack by services with the same computi ng facilities and even share office infrastructures). IJV comes with some(prenominal) benefits, Kumar &Pavan (2012) describe benefits of IJV to an extent, that is, when companies associate together, they provide themselves strength, capacity and expertise to conquer new geographical markets, expand their product portfolio and alike for diversification.thither are few success stories associated with IJV, (Xerox &Fuji) decade of stormy partnership has survived well, with both companies praising their success on IJV alliance IJV alliances over the past decade claim shown a promising future (Kumar&Pavan, 2012). Earlier research on IJV growth and risks by KPMG supports Kumar &Pavan (2012) claims. In (2005), A KPMG finding showed that 64% of US companies volition opt for IJV alliances, and alike 52% decided to create a new alliance inside two years. Various studies on IJV partnership showed a very optimistic future. Vast majority of executives reports show that their IJV alliance h as generated about 40% in their annual revenue, Most times, IJVs are created so as to gain access into hostile and uncertain markets (Abroad), which might not be possible otherwise. Definitely two heads working together are make better than one, in the same philosophy two companies would work better than one.Obviously, there will be more resources available when you have two or more companies merged together This optimism of IJVs comes with huge risk, IJVs suffer from several draw backs, these draw backs are the primary reason shadow the failure of a large number of IJV partnerships. Research by Kalmbach & Roussel (1999) reveals that 80% of IJVs have failed and only 20% were thriving. Another similar study by Neal R. Goodman (2011) estimated 50 to 70 percent failure in international juncture Venture. Matthews (2001). produced a great piece of literature on the reasons behind the failure of IJVs, Matthews (2001) stated the hobby as defining characteristics of IJVs, IJVs need st rategic objectives, IJVs are full of perplexity jobs, IJVs need to adopt a viable organisation form, IJVs are always transitional structures You have to inject stability into IJVs- it is not there naturallyThese characteristics can serve as possible drawbacks of IJVs. Hence giving room for criticism We can shuffle out some vital points from the above mentioned characteristics. The most important one of them is the difficulty at the direct of operation. The concept of power control from multiple firms creates troubles and as a result affects the administration of the organisation. Before a merger, each society operate differently with their own set of policies, methods and strategies, when they merge and these bedrock clash, it might result to problems within the organisation such inter- Organisational issues need serious attention and need to be dealt with in order for the venture to last. So, IJVs can serve as a backbone of organisational problems.These problems can as well cr ipple the growth of the organisation. Sometimes IJV fails due to the collaboration, culture, structured plans, control procedures, financial and legal mechanisms, and consensus commission agreements in place (M.Nixon et al., 2012). Many of the Case Studies on IJV all take to the woods to point to conflicts with vision ,trust, decadency , leadership struggles between both firms and as a result of this, troubles begins to fly in the face of IJV success, Typically. The company with the most shares in any IJV set up tend to have the highest form of authority or sometimes it is decided by voting, these are the methods used in setting up the management of the organisation in most cases. However this can be quite problematic in situations where companies involve have equal shares or even when one company has the minority.Proper representation of each companys ideals and policies is off course a difficult job it becomes more difficult when the companies involve wide ethnical differences. Failure to understand the ethics, values and norms of each other result to IJVs failure. Furthermore, Stability is always not associated with IJVs as it is very difficult to sustain stability in a venture. Many academics associate IJVs with a lifecycle, It is achieve tongue to that any organisation comprising of many different firms tends to be unstable short lived, Multiple firms forming an make-up commit this inherent stability simply because of the variation in their individual character, their culture, their role and their attitude.These cultural issues that adhere to IJV anticipate a major concern for an effective IJV collaboration. After a serious pounder on the drawbacks of IJVs, on that point are quite a few theories in place that can help achieve a successful IJV partnership. Kumar&Pavan (2012) defines collaborative strategy as the essential supporting structure for building successful alliances. According to Kumar&Pavan (2012), collaborative strategy defines the fac tors the companies need to look at before forming a Joint Venture alliance. The following are the Golden rules of partnership success as given by Cyr (1995)- * A balance of trust and self interest* Anticipation of conflicts* Clear definition of strategic leadership* flexibleness* Acceptance of cultural differences at the level of both the national culture and the corporate culture* orchestration of technology transfer* Learning from the partners strengthsIn other to deal with some of the challenges that face IJVs today, it is very necessary to have a very strong strategic leadership in place, a leadership that is based by rules and procedures. With a stable leadership all the way in place, chances of conflict are minimized. The leader most be able to incorporate all the attitudes and views of both patties into policies and strategies that will help the organization prosper as a single entity Obliviously, when there are two or more companies within the alliance, every individual wi ll be after the interest or profit that emerge from the venture, this is where the sulphur point drift in, which is Balance of self interest and trust even supposing the international joint ventures has a dominant parent company in control, then interest of all companies involved must(prenominal) be kept intact. The companies involve must have a mutual trust in place and at all times be ready to share risk for the benefits of the organisation as a whole.The organisation at all time must be ready to resolve conflict between firms when they rise up and also developing long term strategies for the future of the organisation. With trust in place within the organisation, companies tend to adjust to accommodate and have a clear understanding of each others nature of business. A clear understanding of each others nature of business (culture) can give a useful insight on how to create newer ways of operation in the organisation. In situations where companies come from different countries , National cultured is there to be coped with. Companies may emerge from the same country only different regions with different cultural setups, even in such cases the difference of cooperative culture is inactive there to be dealt with. Fair enough, this issue of culture difference can positively turn out as innovations in the field by learning from each others strength and weaknesses. tractability is a key to creating successful joint ventures.Variation in cultural backgrounds is seen as a holy terror to the success of IJV, only if it is as well considered that, the more the gap between the cooperating countries less is the chance of survival of the IJV (Barkema & Vermeulen, 1997). Adaptation is very important here. Obviously cultural variation can be quite problematic, but at the same time they can be useful when taken as lessons, and when mixed together to derive newer and better strategies of operation, by putting two or more cultures together not only will it boost growth but can also add to the consumer base. There is issue of management too, the management problem happen to be the most troublesome in IJVs, It is not the control that is the problem but the lack of effective discourse. One of the industries that excel in IJV venture is the insurance industry, and good communication channel is among all partners is among the characteristics that contribute to the success of insurance IJVs, They try to maintain viable and consistent ingrained harmony that is base on rules and procedures.Effective communication must be maintained at all time and throughout decisions making so that policies dont appear unilateral or one sided More examples of successful IJVs emerge from Hungary where Hungarian companies inherit experience and knowledge from the parent companies. This is true of several companies from Hungary that have partnered with western organisation (Lyles & Salk, 2007). The western companies come in with new and better technology and also better ways of management and production, and this method have worked for the Hungarian companies with them having good results in return. So, it depends on the level of understanding and adaptability between the companies. Information, market and raw materials are mostly the necessary resources that are available during an IJV alliance.Utilization and circulation of these resources depend on the companies involved. However, the company that fails to utilise these resources end up getting terminated from the Venture alliance.In 1997-98 up to 20000 IJVs deals were sealed in chinaware (Zhang & Rajagopalan, 2002). One characteristic that help all these IJVs survive was that they were all create under a governmental pressure. In this case, the intervention from government brought about stability within the organisation. Also companies were relieved off the tension of mutual dependencies which made the inter organisational relationships much easier. In this manner hide partner credible threa t was largely reduced. The rise of globalization and emerging economic power houses of Brazil, Russia, India, and China is seeing more new markets created. IJV will play a commanding role for multinational companies sounding to partner with domestic businesses in those markets.As this review has shown the history of IJVs has not always been clear cut (it is a very difficult task to build a successful international joint venture alliance). The 80% failure in IJVs (Kalmbach & Roussel 1999) should not scare multinational companies as there are many different ways of facing this challenges that adhere to IJVs. Management and operation of the organisation must be clearly understood and controlled in a proper way and by the most appropriate individuals. All companies must involve in the operation of the organisation. No firm should be excluded in the affairs of the organisation. The companies involved should be open to change and adaptability so as to combine the best they can all offer. If these few verbalism are properly practiced the IJV is doomed to surviveClayton-Smith, . (n.d). What makes a successful joint venture?. acquirable http// Last accessed 10th Dec 2012.T.K. Das, Rajesh Kumar, (2010) Interpartner sensemaking in strategic alliances Managing cultural differences and internal tensions, Management Decision, Vol. 48 Iss 1, pp.17 36KPMG International & IESE Business School. (2009). Joint Ventures A Tool for Growth During the Economic Downturn. on tap(predicate) http// Last accessed 4th Dec 2012.Killing,P (1983). Strategies for joint venture success. Westport, CT Praeger Publishers Inc . p13-38.Gomes-Casseres, B. (1997). Competing in Constellations The Case of Fuji Xerox. Available http// Last accessed 4th Dec 2012.M I L L E R , R., G L E N, J., S P E R S E N, F., A N N I S K A R M O KO L I A S, A.. (1997). International Joint Ventures in Developing Countries . Available http// Last accessed 10th Dec 2012.Perkins,S., Morck,R., Yeung, B.. (2008). INNOCENTS ABROADTHE HAZARDS OF INTERNATIONAL JOINT VENTURES WITH PYRAMIDAL GROUP FIRMS. Available http// Last accessed 7th Dec 2012.Gomes-Casseres, B. (2004). StrategyManaging Beyond the Alliance. Available http// Last accessed 4th Dec 2012.Girmscheid,G., Brockmann,C.. (n.d). charge as a Success Factor in International Joint Ventures. Available http// Last accessed 3d Dec 2012.Ernst, D ., Halevy T . (2005). When to think alliance. Available http// Last accessed 4th De 2012.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Peace †from what source.? Essay

On 28 June 1914 a hand grenade was rolled beneath a motor motorcar travelling in a motorcade in the city of Sarajevo in Yugoslavia.The grenade missed its intended target and set off beneath the following car, injuring several people.The com workforcecement car continued on its way and the occupants attended a welcome ceremony at the Sarajevo T make Hall.Just a concisely time later, the VIPs from the first car decided to visit the injured ones who had been taken to the local hospital.On the way in that respect the car stalled, this provided an hazard for an otherwise assassin to shoot and kill the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, the Heir to the Austrian Empire and his wife Sophie.These assassinations began a short series of events that led to the start of the Great fight now more comm scarcely called instauration War 1.This war was so named beca character it involved countries right round the sphere. Although centred on Europe, the effects of the War were felt around the world, in fact every inhabited continent had countries involved.The First World War is recognized as a turning point in History. It was the first war where major(ip) technological advances contri exclusivelyed to huge casualties.The use of tanks planes submarines huge fighting ships and deadly gas all provided evidence that the modern weapons of War were now so baneful.The devastating effects of World War 1 brought great attention to thequestion of worldwide cessation treaty. For the first time in write up it is recognized that wars betwixt Nations can involve and affect inhabitants of the total earth.This destructive threat to world stillness was continued in the Second World War. Powerful weapons were developed that culminated in the ultimate weapon the Nuclear go wrong.The nuclear bomb has alike spawned another close relative. The so-called pestilent bomb.This is a deadly device that can spread radiation or a noxious bacteria over thousands of kilometers perha ps killing millions at once a terrible weapon of war. simply its not just nations at war that can use these weapons.Terrorists nurse now start appear a huge threat to ecumenic peace and the terrifying fact that just one bomb can kill millions of people has awakened an awareness that Global Peace is imperative for the continued coming(prenominal) of homophilekind.The American Historian and Writer Arthur Schlesinger makes a point around the changing nature of the threat to world peace. He wrote at the turn of the last centuryOne set of hatreds replaces another. Lifting the iron grip of ideologic repression in Eastern Europe and the ex-Soviet Union releases pent-up ethnic, nationalist, religious, and linguistic antagonisms deeply rooted in history and in memory. . . . If the 20th century has been the century of the war of ideologies, the 21st century begins as the century of the warfare of ethnicities.The respected magazine The Atlantic Monthly summarises its forecasts for t he decades to comeNations break up under the tidal issue of refugees from environmental andsocial disaster. . . . Wars are fought over scarce resources, especially water, and war itself becomes continuous with villainy, as build up bands of stateless marauders clash with the private security forces of the elites.Nations or terrorists dont even need a deadly weapon or vial of bacteria to start an apocalyptic style confrontation anymore. altogether thats required is one of these and malicious software designed to disruptYes cyber-tage can start a global war. In fact special malware has already been used by Governments to disrupt vital electronics facilities of play off nations. Governments have even proudly acknowledged their use of this type of sabotage.We could controvert the weapons and means that threaten worldwide peace for a long time. We all know these threats are real and as they grade, present.But what about our efforts to curb or even eliminate all threats to peace? What are the measures and steps that have been taken by Governments and Organisations? To eliminate conflicts and earn word peace?5.002 GLOBAL PEACE NOT come-at-able THROUGH HUMAN EFFORTSWhat has been noted by Historians and scholars has been the effect of WW1 on World Peace.Since the end of that war there has been numerous attempts by mankind to put in place systems to prevent conflicts and ensure we can die in a worldwide peace.Yet can anyone say we live in a alleviate world? Well no we do not. Is it because mankind has lacked effort in trying to make a lasting Peace?Perhaps we can examine efforts to create a worldwide peace but before we do so lets just see what the Bible has to say about man overbearing his owndestiny.If we can turn to Jeremiah 1023Another script we can examine echoes this authorship Ecclesiastes 89So we can see that the Bible questions the efficiency of humans to control their own destiny.Well these words were written thousands of familys ago so wha t has History proven about our ability to lead about worldwide peaceful conditions for mankind.Modern History is littered with Treaties and Peace Agreements yet we still live in a World dominated by unrest, conflict and .war.The Treaty of Versailles was the first pact signed after the end of the First World War and it was a peace settlement surrounded by the main combatants in that war.The Treaty though had contentious and controversial points and the politicians of the daytime knew they urgently needed or sothing else anything to bring stability to the world.The League of Nations was then created in1919. The Leagues task was simple to ensure that war never broke out again.The League of Nations was the first international organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace. Its primary goals, as stated in its Covenant, was to prevent wars through collective security and disarmament, and settle international disputes through dialog and arbitration.The League was also tasked with improving labour conditions, ensuring just treatment of native inhabitants, preventing human and drug trafficking decrease the arms trade, promoting global health, protecting prisoners of war, and the protection of minorities in Europe And after the turmoil caused by the Versailles Treaty, many an(prenominal) looked to the League to bring stability to the world.However the League of Nations was unable to bring peace to the world. During its existence, there were wars between Russia and Poland, wars between the Baltic States, between Italy and Albania and then of course the League could not prevent the Second World War.Between the two Great Wars political alliances were made and broken, Peace agreements were made . then broken, treaties werent worthy the paper they were written on. So one could say the League failed to achieve its adjectives. No-one could dispute that The Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini give tongue to of the League of Nations.. that .the League is very well when sparrows shout, but no true at all when eagles fall out. That is it was toothless when it came to making big decisions, especially between nations on the verge of war. followers WW2 and the failure of the League of Nations there was again a call for an organisation that could assure world peace. And so the new organisation the fall in Nations was born in October 1945.Id just care to take a moment to read from The UNs charter.The Purposes of the United Nations areTo maintain international peace and security, and to that end to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace To develop golden relations among nations based on respe ct for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other fascinate measures to strengthen universal peace To achieveinternational co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or add-on character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or theology and To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends. What about the founders and leaders in the United Nations? What is their take on how successful the organisation has been for global peace?The UN recently celebrated a major anniversary of over 50 eld of existence on the UN. One leading Member the prexy of Finland had this to sayDo we live today in a better world than we did 40 years ago? Is there now less violence and warfare? Is there less human scurvy in the world? Do the nations notice more secure and confident in their future?An Online encyclopaedia has this to say about the UNCriticism of the United Nations has been ideologically diverse, although much of it is focused on the UNs .. softness to handle international conflicts, even on a small shieldIn 2004, former ambassador to the UN Dore Gold published a book of account called Tower of Babble How the United Nations Has Fueled Global Chaos. The book criticized what it called the organizations moral relativism in the face of (and occasional support of) genocide and terrorism that occurred between the moral clarity of its founding period and the present day. While the UN during its founding period was limited to those nations that declare war on at least one of the Axis powers of World War II, and thus were confident of taking a stand against evil, the modern United Nations has, according to Gold, become diluted to the point where only 75 of the 184 member states during the time of the books publication were free democracies, according to Freedom House.He further claimed that this had the effect of tipping the scales of the UN so that the organization as a whole was more amenable to the requirements of dictatorships. The UN superior general conclave decided to hold a moment of silence in honor of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il following his death in 2011. Western diplomats criticized the decision. Anofficial at the Czech Republics UN mission said the Czechs did not request a similar moment of silence for Vaclav Havel, the playwright-turned-dissident who died a day after KimEven organisised crime has cause great concern in the corridors of Power of the the United Nations recount is now mounting that criminal groups are spreading their influence worldwide. For years organized crime, with its crime families, has had its links between Italy and the United States. But now UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali has warned that organized crime on a transnational scale . . . scoffs at frontiers and becomes a un iversal force. He said In Europe, in Asia, in Africa and in America, the forces of repulsiveness are at work and no society is spared. He also said that transnational crime . . . undermines the very foundations of the international democratic order. It poisons the business climate, corrupts political leaders and undermines human rights.It cant be denied that that the UN has failed in Its primary objective to attain world peace.It fact many true Christians feel as the prophet Jeremiah wrote thousands of years ageJeremiah 815 a hoping for peace, but no good came+ for a time of healing, but, look terror+ Jeremiah wrote about the failure of peace in Judah but his precognitive words for his people then still ring true today.Why would that be so ? a hoping for peace, but no good came+ for a time of healing, but, look terror+We are intelligent beings.we appear to have a natural inclination to on the whole- help those less fortunate than ourselves so why and where have we failed over th e thousands of years?Did you know the Bible has the answer for mankinds failure to bring about world peace?Lets turn to a very salient scripture that sincerely is at the heart of our discussion today. We can find this scripture at 1 ass 51919 We know we originate with God,+ but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.+So what does that mean?It means that heller is in control of this world and has been since 1914, this control that demon has can be elaborated upon in another discussion but Bible prophecy has indicated that since the year 1914 and not coincidently when WW1 broke out Satan has overseen the degrading and peaceless world conditions we witness today.Surely you say though that not all can be fooled. There are plenty of intelligent men and women who trust in the power of man to bring about world peace?We looked at some politicians statements..what about some religious leaders? The Catholic Pope. Leader of millions of catholics around the world, how do es he and his predecessors view the UN as a tool for peace.Well as far bac as 1965, after Pope Paul VI visited the United Nations, to read that he had said he had said The peoples of earth turn to the United Nations as the last hope of concord and peaceAnd more recently the current Catholic pope visited the UN and saidWell recently the Pope put all his support behind a solution to peace initialled by the UN Recent quote from this yearThe Vatican said the discussions referred to the November 29 UN vote upgrading the Palestinians to the same shape as the Holy See non-member state observer.The Vatican had warmly welcomed the vote, and a Vatican statement said it is hoped that this initiative will advertize the commitment of the international community to finding a fair and lastingsolution to the conflict.The 193-nation General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution to upgrade the Palestinian Authoritys observer status at the United Nations from entity to non-member state, the same status as the Vatican.The Vatican welcomed the resolution, which amounted to an implicit recognition of a Palestinian state.So though decades of failures the major co-called Christian church in the world still puts its faith in a flawed man-made organisation.Even the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of millions of Tibetans, mainly respected around the world, how does he view world wide peace will come aboutWell he too is a supporter of the UN but he also makes an interesting pointHe recently saidglobal peace starts with personal peace. We can start eliminating conflict if we work to eliminate anger and hatred as well as other negative emotions within ourselves. By cultivating peace within ourselves, in our families, in the community, we contribute to world peace. ..and that is true isnt it. Although his trust remains with the UN he recognizes that if we do not have peace within our family, within our community or within our town then how can man achieve global peace?Again its time to turn to the Bible our one continuous of wisdom that hasnt changed over the centuries. In this case lets turn to a scripture many overlords Witnesses are familiar with 2 Corinthians 444 among whom the god* of this system of things*+ has blind the minds* of the unbelievers,+ that the illumination*+ of the glorious good news+ about the Christ,* who is the image+ of God, might not shine through.+That is really a statement that holds true today just as much as it was written thousands of years go. Satan Jehovahs Adversary a spiritual creature that is now in his social occasion as the God of This System has actively blinded the minds of imperfect humans.In fact his role was also predicted many years ago even from the first century ce . Revelation 1299 So down the great dragon+ was hurled, the original serpent,+ the one called Devil+ and Satan,+ who is misleading the entire inhabited earth*+ he was hurled down to the earth,+ and his angels were hurled down with him.We do nt have time to discuss the reasons why Satan has been allowed by Jehovah to continue to mislead mankind thats for another discussion but the fact is Jehovahs wisdom and law allowed a time period for Satan to challenge Gods Sovereignty.If God then has allowed this why doesnt he intervene so save His followers from man-made destruction?Well we can be assured that Jehovah has provided a contingency plan.And this is through His Kingdom rule.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Byzantine and the Impact of Islam

convoluted is a Roman imperium or the empire of Greeks in the Middle einsteinium. The account statement of tough is a continuous line from the latter centuries of Rome to the very beginning of the modern time. Its nigh the culture of the Greece and Rome that has a unique cultural history based on tax deduction of Roman, atomic number 63an and Islamic elements when it suffered three crisis of external invasion, internal civil warfare and economy that aft(prenominal)(prenominal)ward do the administrative center less important. (Bury, J. B. 1989).The emperor of mired imperium was Justinian who occupied territories by the Goths and the main occupants of the empire were saviorians, moreover after the fall of Rome Christians who were horribly persecuted by the snarleds welcomed the Moslems masterors with open arms just to await their organized religion. (Barker, J. W. 1966) By the time justinian resigned baffling was in a financial crisis. ulterior Heraculius succeeded him. When the throne was assumed, a forty-year grizzly Arab named Muhammad swept the streets with messages of Islam across the entire empire.At the end of his regime Muhammads message came to pass and Muslims armies emerged and started making raids into Byzantine territory in Syria and began to conquer the Persian territories. (Bury, J. B. 1989) Because of the disaffected populations of Christians and Jews who had been persecuted earlier, the Muslim quickly conquered Byzantine territories in the 9th century. Their victory did non last long because of the Islamic government under Caliph deteriorated and Byzantines started to dominate the Asia small-scale and by the tenth century they reconquered most of Syria and became more powerful and influential again.The crusaders The Byzantines however saught help from the Europe against the Muslims conquerors. Europe decided to assist them despite their cultural differences as they shared a common religion with the Byzantines. In 1204 the crusaders attacked the city of Constantinople a goal that the Muslims had been trying to conquer for centuries and conquered the Muslims. In 1261 the Byzantine conglomerate ceased to be an empire and was cognize as a small kingdom that later in 1453, the Constantinople city was for faithful conquered by the Ottoman Turks and was renamed Istanbul.(Diehl, C. (1957) Byzantine Christianity Byzantine Christianity was a different religion from the Latin Christianity, what made it pay heed different was the role of the emperor in matters regarding the faith. While for the Latin Christians the pope in matters of faith was nigh solidified. Later the Byzantines inherited the roman idea and practiced a form of Christianity whereby theological authority was vested in the emperor. Through this theological authority it created a permanent breach in the world of Christianity between the double-u and the east.The breach was to produce iconoclastic controversy that the worship of images and icons was a sign of pagan belief. Only Christ and God should be worshiped this was angulated by Leo the saurian who had turned the tide against the Muslim in 717. The crinkle of the Byzantine empire in 1453 saw the Russians believe that they were inheritors of the Byzantine empire and later began the roman empire. (Amis, R1995).Byzantium Empire and impact of IslamThe Byzantine Empire was satisfactory to survive for a hitch of time though not easily achieved through Heraculius some of the empires were kept together despite confrontation on the three sides of empire, and was able to save the empire from the Muslim. (Diehl, C. (1957) His effort worked but his 200,000 troops were killed and a lot of wealth lost during the war with the Persians. After the fight with the Persian he thought of rebuilding the empire but this was not to be as the empire was again attacked by another threat of Islam. The Muslims again got the opportunity to invade Persia and the Byzantine and this surprise d both of them.The Persia and the Byzantine Empire did not have strength to fight back the Muslims attacks and this coat way for Muslims to conquer the eastern provinces of the Byzantines. (Bury, J. B. 1989) The Muslims invasion in the empire weakened the internal division and legion(predicate) Christians wanted to keep their faith and always looked upon spectral sects as heretics. Most of them who were persecuted to them life under Islam was good compared to Byzantines because Muslims did not look down upon other religion and this resulted to Muslims being welcomed to Byzantine Empire.Finally when Heraculius died the Muslim got opportunity to conquer the eastern provinces of Byzantine Empire. In the 14th and 15th centuries Islam was already being accepted by the Albanians and later it was in quick acceptance by other nations. . (Diehl, C. (1957) After the death of Mohammed Islam spread very unshakable and outside Arabia its spread was aided by various political upheavals. The l ong series of wars between the Byzantine and Persian empires is always credited for this fast spread in the near east especially after the triumph of the Muslims.The Byzantine Empire had the character of imposing Christianity on the population it conquered, for this reason the Syrians and the Egyptians resented and resisted the attempts made by the Byzantine Empire to impose Christianity on them. (Diehl, C 1957) Therefore when the Muslims came to these particular areas they were readily accepted to veto any attempts that the Byzantine were trying to make, this led to the fall of Syria to the Arab armies to be followed soon by the fall of Iraq and Persia with Egypt go in 640 AD with very little resistance.With this conquest Islam soon spread to most territories of the Near east and Africa. (Diehl, C. 1957) In the Byzantine Empire there was fierce fanaticism that included interdenominational strife and religious persecution amongst the Christians themselves, compared with the practi ce and the doctrine of the Islamic faith that tolerated other religions it endeared itself to others. For example the Byzantines brutally attempted to suppress Christian sects who questioned the established Church.Also there was oppression of the peasants who were heavily taxed. The Empire also suppressed non-orthodox Christian teachings. Opposition to Islam after the conquest was weakened by the fact that under the Muslims, taxes were not very heavy like forward and the non-orthodox Christian sects could now operate comfortably. (Diehl, C 1957) The spread of Islam in the better part of Middle East was made possible by Arab victories over Byzantine armies. The Byzantines were the major enemies to be confluenceed by the Aryans from the Arabian Desert.The encounter with the Byzantines was the runner of many major battles between Muslims and Christians. It was Omar who acted as Caliph or head of the Moslem fellowship in 634-44AD that initiated the fast expansion of the Arabs and Is lam. Omar achieved the first big successes of Arab armies outside of the Arabian Peninsula when he conquered the Byzantine Empire ruled by the Emperor Heraclius. Omars armies attacked Syria, seizing large areas. In 636AD at the Battle of Yarmuk the Byzantine regular army were greatly humiliated by the Arabs when they defeated them.This saw the Arabs entering Jerusalem and Damascus in 638. It was during these period that it is believed Christianity replaced Christianity in this particular area as a result of the weakness of the Byzantine Empire. Arab rulers imposed a personal tax on all non-Muslims, which advance many to convert to the Muslim Faith. In the invigorated Caliphate there was no forced conversions but happened later. At first the Arabs did not consider converting anyone because of the taxes they collected which provided great incomes.(Diehl, C 1957) Cultural and intellectual factor Islam as a religion does not recognize superstitions but is a simple and rational religi on that emphasize on knowledge and learning. Through learning as the foremost priority to humankind the Islamic civilization spread through many countries. The Muslim never destroyed things in middle east as the Christians in Spain what they did was to defend what was positively charged and eventually hatch it.Political and economic impactIslam was seen as a religion without any political and economic principles. However Islam preached a unused concept of human relations avoiding nationalism and class divisions. Islam main concern and interest was humankinds relations with God. Politically Islam perception was that the supreme power rests with God and equality before the law is a major principle of the political system. (Diehl, C. (1957) In Balkan nations, emergence of Islam was very important compared to the Byzantines Empire.Islam also emphasized on the economic aspect of life and this was clearly shown through justified ways of making profits, possession of home and not overs pending and everybody must earn a living in an honest way. Islam came up with obligatory and military volunteer laws that have played important roles in the economic system of Islam. Before Islam spread to Balkan nation and Byzantine Empire state who lived there had some kind of social chaos but Muslims brought a unfermented approach to the social lives of the Balkans.For example Muslim women played a crucial part in the governing body of family and were always considered equal in every aspect to her male counterpart. A woman is always the first to show kindness, love, and sincerity and educate. While for Christians, women are seen as devils instrument to harm or hurt people. (Diehl, C. (1957) When they conquered Byzantine Islam played a role in regulating the slavery and sanctioned better conditions for the slaves and even encouraged the prohibition of slavery.Islam also brought together the Middle East and came up with a common language known as Arabic and a common religion kn own as Islam. After all this positive impact of Islam in Byzantine Empire some of the rules set up are not relevant in the 21st century. At one time there were most powerful, rich and advanced people and today they have created four empires, which include Umayyad, Abbasid, Mogul and Ottoman Empire. Their decline can be traced to about 1700 when the west caught up with the Ottoman the great Muslim empire and started misinterpreting the Koran.(Amin, H. A. 1989).REFERENCESAmin, Hussein Ahmad (1989).The present state of the Muslim umma. Muslim World Amis, Robin (1995).A Different Christianity Early Christian Esotericism and Modern Thought. Albany Suny Press, Barker, John W. (1966).Justinian and the Later Roman Empire. The University of Wisconsin Press, Bury, J. B. (1989).Roman Emperor from Basil II to Isaac Komnenos, English Historical Review. 41-64 & 251-286. Diehl, Charles. (1957).Byzantium Greatness and Decline. Rutgers University Press.